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Sugar & Sugar Alcohol

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In the food industry, sugar is commonly used as a thickener and sweetener, but excessive consumption of sugar has adverse health effects. Eurofins Angler Biochemlab provides accurate and detailed nutrient fact information to ensure that consumers can enjoy your food products confidently, knowing that labelling is accurate. At Eurofins Angler Biochemlab, we offer comprehensive testing for various types of sugars, including:

  • Glucose & Galactose
  • Fructose
  • Xylose & Arabinose
  • Sucrose
  • Maltose
  • Other

Our nutritional information complies with labelling standards set by BPOM and FDA regulations. If you opt for total sugar testing for nutritional fact labelling, rather than by type of sugar, we perform a titration method. We utilize modern technology proximate testing instruments which are calibrated and adhere to standard analytical principles to deliver accurate and reliable results.